As a curiosity, I wonder if anyone out there can explain a peculiar phenomenon. When I click on a hypertext link on a web page -- this one, for example -- I typically right-click and then choose "Open Link in New Tab." That way I keep the original page open while also opening the new resource. Do this on the link above and the new tab will display the excellent page of Simolean Sense, a weekly collection of generally great articles from around the web related to human psychology and behavior, finance, biology, mathematics and other such things.
Now the mysterious phenomenon -- Simolean Sense is the ONLY web site I have ever visited where right clicking on links doesn't work for me in a reliable way. On that site, when I right click on a link, typically nothing happens. At first. I have to right click repeatedly, 2, 3,4,5, 8 times, until finally the box opens to show the "Open Link in New Tab" option. It's a completely random phenomenon. (I just noticed that left clicking gives odd behavior too.) My clicking just doesn't work in a reliable way on Simolean Sense, though it does everywhere else. Why is that?